Twenty Tips For Increasing Enrollment At Your School


In today’s modern environment, it has become significantly difficult to enhance school enrolment. But your educational institution needs to attract and retain new children continuously.

One of the best school marketing ideas to help increase enrollment is to partner with an ed-tech organization that provides end-to-end marketing solutions. Given below are various tips to help you boost school enrolment.

1.   Inbound Marketing

It is much more effective than outbound marketing, where you publish a marketing message such as an advertisement. Inbound marketing is advantageous for businesses backed by powerful stories, as an educational institution.

2.   Mobile-Enabled Website

A mobile-enabled website is good for parents as it allows them to read about your school more easily. In fact, for many lower-income parents, a mobile device is the only link to the internet.

3.   Focus on SEO

Your enrolment will suffer if your website has good content, but parents cannot find it on search engines. So, optimize the website for the search engine to attract families who haven’t heard about your institution.

4.   Local Google

Registering your school’s site on local Google is free and a sure-shot way to facilitate families to find about your school online. Once registered, you’ll show up on maps whenever a user enters location-specific queries.

5.   Put up Videos

The modern video-sharing sites and mobile phones have made it easy to create a video about your students and school. More than half of traffic on the search engine is video-based. So, create an honest video about your students to generate an impact.

6.   Identify Website Visitors

It is also essential to capture the information of prospective parents when they visit your site. Do it through a lead magnet. It is original content on your portal that will attract the curiosity of parents. But for reading it, they will have to give their email address.

7.   Start a Blog

A blog is a great way to inform parents about the operations of your school. Keep updating it with information weekly or monthly.

8.   Encourage Families to Write Good Reviews

Make sure that you have good reviews from parents on platforms like your school’s Facebook page and Google. Good reviews form a positive perception of your institution.

9.   Highlight the Quality of Your Teachers

Parents today want to know who exactly will do the important job of teaching their child. Highlighting your teachers will let you craft a distinct presence for your school and increase enrolment rates.

10.  Use Testimonials

Testimonials are social proof that communicates to prospective parents about your outstanding services. It also functions as a great word-of-mouth tactic.

11.   Understand the Enrolment Trends

Undertake a competitive analysis and find who your competition is. When you know about your competitors, you can take a closer look at your offerings and accordingly implement changes.

12.  Comprehend Your Target Families

Gain a deep understanding of the needs of your target families. It will help you to create a marketing message that truly resonates with them.

13.  Focus on Lead Nurturing

After identifying families who send their wards to your school, you should constantly make an effort to connect with them. It will allow you to increase enrolment rates.

14. Identify Siblings

It’s important to know about siblings of students by changing the format of your student enrolment form. This will allow you to convince their brothers and sisters to enroll too.

15.  Consider an Applicant Tracking System

School enrolment is a labor-intensive process. Make it easy by investing in an applicant tracking system. It keeps track of the information about students and allows lead nurturing.

16.  Script a School Tour

Ensure that what is spoken during the school tour aligns with the needs of the target families. See that what is said effectively differentiates your school from others.

17. Follow up

After the school tour is complete, simple things like a hand-written thank you letter and follow-up phone calls will help in enabling the parents to settle in on your school choice.

18.  Let Students Experience the School

Many parents worry about their child’s experiences at a specific school. Show them a day in the life video or something similar so they can visualize their child studying in it.

19.  Boost Communication

When teachers use different tools to communicate with parents about daily classroom activities, it frustrates them. So, standardize the tool and improve communication.

20. Execute a Customer Satisfaction Survey

Commit yourself to an annual customer satisfaction survey for your institution. It will give you various insights on what parents think about it and their feedback.

These tips will allow you to boost the enrolment rate and outshine your competitors. Working with an ed-tech organization is one of the great school marketing ideas to help increase enrolment.

It provides exclusive platforms that enable unrivaled exposure opportunities for your educational institutions. It thus makes way for a strong online reputation.

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