Preparing for a mold inspection

mold testing

If you suspect the existence of mold in your home then you need to schedule mold testing Orange County or near you. We are all afraid of mold because, in addition to mold being hazardous, it can also be a sign of plumbing problems. Inspection for mold is a process that will help you literally and metaphorically breathe easier.


Preparation is very important in anything that you do. Preparing appropriately will ensure you get quality results. When you need to do a mold inspection, it is crucial to ensure potential spores are intact when the testing professional arrives. Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for your project.

Shut off dehumidifiers, humidifiers and air purification machines

Dehumidifiers and air purifiers remove impurities and moisture from the air. This is counterproductive when testing for mold spores in your home. Humidifiers also enhance the moisture in the air and this might accelerate the growth of mold. If you want to get the best from your testing project, you should ensure these devices are shut off for at least twenty-four hours before the testing.

Close all windows and doors

While this might sound like torture to those people who work from home, it is necessary if you want to get the best results from your testing project. It might seem odd but if there is mold in your home, you should provide the best conditions for mold testing professionals. When you close the windows and doors, you maximize the accumulation of spores growing in your home and this makes it easier to do the testing.

Switch off your HVAC system

Your HVAC system is responsible for air circulation within your home. As it circulates the air, it dilutes any mold spores in the air. When you shut your HVAC system off for at least 2 hours, you will ensure the maximum concentration of mold spores and this will be easier for your testing professional to detect.

No trimming, pruning or lawn mowing outdoors

When inspecting for mold, part of your job will involve a baseline assessment of natural mold concertation in your home. Any mowing, chopping or pruning might disturb the background mold. It can also distort the baseline measurement.

Do not shower or bath for 12 hours before the appointment

When there is mold in your home, there will always be a moisture problem. This could be from leaks. Showering or bathing will create excess moisture and make it tougher to detect plumbing leaks if your testing professional discovers mold.

Do not clean or use disinfectants for about 48 hours

Dusting, vacuuming and heavy cleaning might eliminate mold on the surfaces. This means you will want to avoid it for at least two days before your testing appointment. It is also crucial to avoid spraying bleach, disinfectants, and similar chemicals. If you find any substances you think are mold, it is recommended to resist the urge to scrub or bleach them away using vinegar.

Choose a day with no rain

If you are planning a mold testing Orange County project, you should check the weather forecast closely and choose a day without rain.

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