How To Unlock The Power Of Purpose

How To Unlock The Power Of Purpose

While we all love to live free, having a sense that our lives have a purpose, meaning and value, enhances physical, mental, and spiritual health. Those who believe they know their purpose in life tend to live more peacefully, longer and happier. There is no set formula for the discovery of purpose and it doesn’t need to be philosophical or spiritual for everyone. However, the important thing is to know that you have a role and a value to play in the overall scheme of things.

Need to find the purpose of life

The need might not be felt in the early stages of life as education and career aspirations dominate those stages. However, after having spent a few decades living on the planet, we all accumulate diverse psychological, emotional, and other experiences which make us think deeper. As one goes on to reflect on the need to find his/her purpose of life, there are certain questions that need to be answered:

  •     Do you feel the need to do more in life?
  •     Do you believe that you have talents and natural abilities that should be used to contribute to the world?
  •     Do you waste a lot of time on trivial matters?
  •     Do you wonder if what you are doing is actually the purpose of your life?

A ‘yes’ as an answer to most of these questions would indicate that you are ready to unlock your life’s purpose. Having reached this stage, you must look at the two schools of thought that are popular among thinkers:

  1. We are born with a predestined purpose, and it is unchangeable. With time, we discover it and follow its path.
  2. We have our future in our own hands, and our actions and choices determine the purpose of our lives.

You might subscribe to any of these thought schools, but, they both imply that there comes a time when you discover/unlock the purpose of your life. The journey to this discovery can be an enjoyable and enriching experience and it can bring fulfillment and permanent joy into your life.

How to realize the purpose of life                              

Ikigai is one of the most popular Japanese concepts about finding the purpose of life. The meaning of Ikigai implies ‘finding the reason for your living.’

You can realize your life’s purpose by focusing on your true self, leveraging your passions and talents, and harboring a desire to do the best and contribute to the world. To discover the purpose, one must first identify the signs such as things that make us happy, ignite our desire to do more, and enrich our lives.

Let’s be clear that every life has its own value and impact, and the primary reason is for people to evolve and contribute!

Growth is not just physical growth, but also ‘personal encompassing intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social growth.

As we grow, we become more capable of contributing to society. The type and quality of the contribution vary from one person to another, but, there is some ‘giving’ for all.

Sometimes, we are restricted in our pursuit of purpose by three assumptions that inhibit full utilization of the gifts/talents:

  •     There has to be a cause to serve
  •     There has to be a right time when the revelation of purpose will happen
  •     All the talk and craving for purpose is idealism and luxury, and a practical or realistic way of life is to avoid such thoughts.

However, as things stand, your purpose can vary in impact, but, there is always a purpose for every life. We need to get out of the self-created limitations and get up to chase what motivates us.

All you need to do is to look into the mirror each morning and ask, “How will I grow and contribute today?’

At the end of the day, just compare your actions with how you imagined things at the start of the day. Practicing this habit daily will expedite your growth and understanding of the purpose. So go ahead and find your Ikigai!

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