To a lot of people, size matters. Sometimes bigger is just better. And before you speculate what exactly I’m talking about; let me tell you that it’s about our bodies in general. Especially for body builders, the bigger your muscles the stronger you are. Basketball players too need to be tall to be able to score. So, to a variety of people, how big your body is determines how successful you are at your craft. Which should come to no one’s surprises how there are ways to artificially increase your testosterone and growth hormone levels. People don’t get full control of how big they get to be. It’s written in our genetics. But, that doesn’t stop them from trying. Science today has made way to enhance our bodies. There are even ways to boost growth hormone levels during sleep!
If there’s a Will there’s a Way
If people want to enhance their bodies, you can bet someone will find a way. If you can be sure of one thing it’s that there’s no stopping human ingenuity, especially when it comes to enhancing our bodies. Scientists, athletes, and body building aficionados will be familiar with the terms Growth Hormone (GH) therapy. It’s basically a simple way of categorizing all the magical and wonderful ways people increase their growth hormone levels. Now, in the past, this was way more restrictive. You could only get them through a prescribed injection from a doctor. It wasn’t as available to the public as it is today. Understandably, this was to prevent any chances of experiencing the side effects, and believe me there are some serious ones. Today though, GH therapy comes in different shapes and sizes which include the ever so popular pill. So, you can even take one, hit the sack, and have your growth hormones increase while you sleep.
Eat Your Way to Growth

Taking injections and pills isn’t the only way you can add serious mass to your frame. If you want to go down a more natural route then there are certain foods that contain amino acids that you can eat to boost your growth hormones. See, who said GH therapy was all about medication? Some of these substances include Arginine (found in chicken, turkey, and peanuts), Melatonin (eat them through bananas, rice, ginger, and tomatoes), and Ornithine (stock up on eggs, fish, and dairy for this). You don’t have to spend extra money to buy these supplements but they can part of your everyday meals. As you can notice, the foods mentioned aren’t exactly new to a normal diet. So, if you’re slightly hesitant taking that big step into full-on growth hormone therapy, you can get a taste for it (literally) through your foods. Whether you want to partake in GH therapy through the injections, oral medication, or naturally through your food, it’s always wise to seek medical advice first. Especially if you’re a beginner, help from a doctor or nutritionist can ensure you reach your goal as safely as possible.

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